Poli-Sight web tools

Special interest groups lobby, politicians vote, and all this information is recorded for public access. At Poli-Sight, our scientists use this data to create legislative analytics web tools and reports that make it easy for you to map out your legislative strategy and increase your probability of success.


Web tools for California legislative strategy:

We offer a subscription based suite of web tools that you can access anytime on your computer, tablet, or mobile device.


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SPECIAL INTEREST SCORE calculates the likelihood of a member voting “aye” on a bill based on whether a special interest group supports or opposes the bill. This tool helps you to strategize on which special interest groups you should speak with to get the votes you need.



AUTHOR CALIBER forecasts the percentage of bills a member is likely to chapter given certain parameters. This tool helps you to determine which members to consider to author your bill for the highest likelihood of getting your bill chaptered based on the area of interest and which house the bill starts in.



CHAPTER FACTOR determines the increase or decrease in the likelihood of a bill being chaptered when a specific member votes “aye”. This tool helps you to understand which members have a strong influence over the prospect that your bill will be chaptered.



BILL KILLER identifies which members can kill a bill when they vote no and shows a proven track record of killing a bill. This tool helps to identify a list of members to speak with if you want a certain bill to die. 



INFLUENCE VECTOR assesses the increased or decreased possibility of a bill being chaptered due to the support or opposition of a special interest group. This tool helps to strategize early on to determine which special interest groups to target for the highest probability of getting your bill chaptered and to determine the overall likelihood of your bill passing or dying based on the support or opposition of certain groups. 



CUMULATIVE IMPACT evaluates the possibility of a certain bill being chaptered based upon previous votes and can help you to track the success of your bill and the likelihood of it being chaptered as votes come in and change throughout the lifecycle of the bill.



LOBBYING OUTCOMES DATABASE is a summary chart that shows the outcome of bills supported and opposed by special interest groups and what the outcomes for those bills were (died vs. vetoed vs. chaptered).